Collection Issues
This form should be used to report queries and issues relating to the collections for all three waste services. Other issues, such as black sack requests, assisted collections and joining/leaving green waste and recycling schemes, (including problems with boxes, bags and bins), are covered by other online forms.
Only one waste service collection issue can be reported at a time, e.g. if you have issues with both kerbside and green waste collections you will need to complete two separate instances of this form.
Missed collections
You should only report a missed waste or recycling collection if:
- It is after 3pm on your collection day, or close of business the following working day.
- All bins/boxes/bags were placed on the kerbside by 6:00am.
- Bin lids were closed, with no excess waste.
- Waste and recycling were placed in the correct bin/box/bag and was not contaminated by other waste.
- For all assisted collections the waste was accessible and placed in the usual pickup area.
N.B. Green Waste collections: unfortunately we are unable to return and ask that you put your green waste back out for collection next time. If any problems are reported by the collection team you will be notified. Assisted green waste, and chargeable brown lidded collections will be collected within 5 working days.