Lifestyles: Direct Debit Cancellation

    Please use this form to request to cancel your direct debit to Lifestyles Gym membership for Crystal Leisure Centre, Dell Stadium, Dudley Leisure Centre and Halesowen Leisure Centre.

    Contact details for the Sport and Physical Activities section and further information can be found at: Membership Schemes.


    Membership can be cancelled at any time without charge providing that a minimum notice of 14 working days is given before the next collection date. If the required notice is not given the payment may be taken on the next collection date. Refunds will not be given for late notification.

    You are required to give notice in writing to the Membership administrator by filling in this form or by the email address contact provided on your membership agreement

    Members will be contacted in writing to confirm notification of cancellation. If no confirmation is received payments will still be collected. Members are advised to cancel their direct debit with their bank.

    Members will remain liable for any outstanding payments incurred prior to cancellation.

    Privacy & Disclaimer Statements

    The information that you provide today will be processed in accordance with Data Protection legal requirements.

    To find out more about how we process your personal information please read the Leisure Services Privacy Notice.

    Your details may also be used for the provision of feedback where appropriate and the management of the Leisure Centres. Information will not be shared with anyone else. Further details on how your information will be used can be obtained by contacting Sports & Physical Activities on 01384 812921.

    Further information can also be found within Dudley Council's Corporate Privacy & Disclaimer Statement.