Himley Indulgent Afternoon Tea Gift Voucher
Please use this form to order your afternoon tea gift vouchers. They can be posted to your contact address or collected from Himley Hall reception (Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm). You must select either the postage or collection option.
You must read and accept the terms and conditions below before submitting your request.
Terms & Conditions
1. This voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of issue (excluding December) and may only be used in exchange for an Indulgent Afternoon Tea for one person at Himley Hall on specified Indulgent Afternoon Tea dates.
2. Please see www.himleyhallandpark.co.uk for redemption dates and full information on how to book. Alternatively please telephone Himley Hall on 01384 817817 for booking enquiries.
3. The voucher is only valid for the type of Afternoon Tea specified on the front of the voucher. Voucher holders may purchase additional drinks items, subject to availability, on the afternoon of their booking.
4. This voucher may not be exchanged for our Christmas Indulgent Afternoon teas during December.
5. This voucher may not be used to purchase any alternative products nor can it be exchanged for a cash value.
Online Payment
This service requires an online payment; you will be taken to the secure payment facility upon submission of this form.
• You need a valid debit or credit card
• Your application will not be processed until payment has been received
Data Protection Statement
Your information will be processed in accordance with Data Protection legal requirements. Please see the Council's Privacy Statement and Charter.